I am recent career changer who has moved into software development. I completed CodeClan's professional software development course and graduated just as lockdown began (great timing I know!). But you have to try and look at the positives and I've been able to use the time to enhance my knowledge and get some practise.
I've got a few ideas for this site. I'll use it is as a showcase for projects I finished at CodeClan and others I am working on. It's also been some great practise with new technologies that I haven't had the chance to use. I've worked with React a few times however I have never used Gatsby before and so far I am really enjoying it. I have began implementing some testing with Jest and am looking to CircleCi to integrate this before pushing to Netlify.
Mainly I want to work on adding some tutorials for concepts and technologies I struggled grasping at first. I will try and convey them from my junior point of view, hoping this will help others just starting out. I've watched my fair share of tutorials and sighed "thank christ" when I've googled something and seen a Medium article at the top. So in my eyes it is always good to pass knowledge on. In fact I've made the repo I created this site with public so you can explore my thought process.
Anyway, thanks for visiting and check back to see how I change and add to it as I learn myself.